The MerusCase logo represents our company at the highest level and is a true identifier of our company as a brand. In order to maintain consistency and brand integrity, we ask that you follow these simple guidelines.
Download the original logo files directly from this page (as opposed to right-clicking and saving the images) to ensure that the most current and high quality graphics are being used. The logo should never be altered or typeset.
Whenever possible, the MerusCase logo should be featured on top of a white or Merus Blue background. If necessary, a Merus Orange background may be used as well.
A black background should be avoided at all costs when placing the Merus logo.
In first references, please refer to MerusCase by it’s full name: “MerusCase” or “MerusCase Legal Practice Management System.” In subsequent references, the use of “Merus” is acceptable.
Please note that MerusCase is one word and that there is no space between “Merus” and “Case”. Proper capitalization is a must.
Merus: Adjective. Latin \MAIR-əs: Pure. Unadulterated. Having exceptional clarity.
Our colors are what give us our personality! As a company, we pride ourselves in being forward-thinking, efficient, trustworthy, energetic, and bold, and we like to think our brand colors reflect just that.
Our brand colors are intended to be printed on Coated Paper. Coated papers have a smooth finish, where the paper is pressed and polished while hot or steamed during the manufacturing process. This coating makes the paper less absorbent and takes ink better.
We have provided the approximations for use on Uncoated Paper, but please opt for the coated variant wherever possible.
You may notice that the print version of our brand colors are slightly different — the orange is bit more “burnt” in print form and the blue is a bit “brigher”. This is intentional. The RGB versions must be displayed on older monitors (before in-plane switching technology was widely available and the concept of “retina display” had yet to be coined) in a reasonable, usable way. Older monitors tend to “wash out” colors a bit, so the RGB versions are an adjustment of the Pantone colors to reflect our brand colors across the widest spectrum of display devices.
Pantone Coated 1575 C
CMYK (0, 51, 77, 0)
Pantone Uncoated 1505 U
CMYK (0, 43, 82, 0)
Pantone Coated 2139 C
CMYK (79, 49, 17, 15)
Pantone Uncoated 7686 U
CMYK (95, 64, 0, 1)
Pantone Coated 7540 C
CMYK (41, 28, 22, 70)
Pantone Uncoated 7540 U
CMYK (57, 46, 38, 11)
The MerusCase typography was carefully selected in order to convey our desired brand message. The following typography guidelines should be followed if you are creating a webpage or printed publication about MerusCase. To view the typography in action, refer to our website or blog.
Open Sans is used for both Headers and Body text. This site uses Open Sans. The headers all have font-weight: bold applied; body text picks up the default (normal);
Open Sans may be freely used by including the following in your html header:
Open Sans is an open source font provided by Google.
Headline 1 is is Myriad Pro Bold at 15px.
Headline 2 is Baskerville Italic at 16px.
Headline 3 is Myriad Pro Bold at 13px.
Body text is Baskerville Regular at 13px.
As noted herein, please do not typeset the MerusCase font. Use the provided centralized assets for this purpose.
As a point of reference, however, the Merus Brand font is Gibson Std. The Semibold and Light variants are used for “merus” and “case”, respectively.
It’s important to note that, when marketing MerusCase, you should refer to the product as a “legal practice management system”, not a “case management system.” MerusCase is a complete and all inclusive suite of products for total practice management, not just case management (though we do that too!).
MerusCase is the only comprehensive, intuitive, and cloud-based legal practice management system trusted by thousands of lawyers to manage cases, documents, billing, and beyond.
MerusCase is the only cloud-based practice management system that brings you a completely integrated case management platform in an all in one, HIPAA-compliant, and easy-to-use system that will work for your firm, regardless of size or law type. You can access Merus from any computer or mobile device worldwide, enjoy unparalleled speed, and experience de facto perfection with 99.9% uptime.
It is recommended that the assets listed here be used as the canonical source on all web properties, including production-ready web applications. This allows us to automatically update these resources automatically in the event that something changes in the future.
In other words, let us host these logos for you! There is no reason to make a copy of them and host these assets on your own.
Ball only. White with full transparency, including the stylized “M”.
Text only. White with transparency.
Ball only. Orange with white “M”. Transparent background.
Ball only. Orange with full transparency, including the stylized “M”.
Text only. Grey with full transparency.
Since modern browsers readily support the SVG format, it is highly recommended that our vector-based SVG Assets (vector images are scalable to any size without any reduction in image quality) be used in lieu of the (raster-based) PNG versions below. We do recognize that there are occasions when PNGs are preferable or otherwise required; they are provided here in a multitude of sizes for this reason.
As noted above, it is recommended that the assets listed here be used as the canonical source on all web properties, including production-ready web applications. This allows us to automatically update these resources automatically in the event that something changes in the future.
In other words, let us host these logos for you! There is no reason to make a copy of them and host these assets on your own.
These images all include a 4px transparent gutter and a white stylized “M”.
The MerusCase application itself references each of these for various purposes. The 36, 48, 72, 96, 144, and 192px variants are used for Android devices. The 57, 60, 72, 76, 114, 120, 144, 152, 180, and 192px variants are used for Apple iOS devices. The 70, 144, 150, and 310px variants are used for Microsoft Windows 10+. Finally, the 32, 64, and 96px variants are used for the Office and Outlook add-ins publisehd in the Microsoft App Store.
These images contain no gutter. As implied by the naming convention, they are intended for use as favicons.
These have been used in the past at various trade shows and other events where presentation-based digital media was helpful. All items are compressed (.zip) and in powerpoint (.pptx) format.